TxIsoLoop Loop-Powered Current Isolators

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TxIsoLoop  Loop-Powered Current Isolators
TxIsoLoop-1 Single Channel Loop Isolator
TxIsoLoop-1 Single Channel Loop Isolator
TxIsoLoop-2 Dual Channel Loop Isolator
TxIsoLoop-2 Dual Channel Loop Isolator
TxIsoLoop-1 and TxIsoLoop-2 Current Loop Isolators
TxIsoLoop-1 and TxIsoLoop-2 Current Loop Isolators

TxIsoLoop Loop-Powered Current Isolators

Regular price $142.00 Sale SKU:TxIsoLoop-2
10 In stock* Ships in 3-4 weeks, if NOT in stock
* 3 available for immediate shipment, 7 ship in 3-4 days

  • Input/output Galvanic Isolation
  • Models for 1 or 2 channels
  • Loop Powered (No need for power supply)
  • Isolation - 3000 Vac/10s, 240 Vac Continuous
  • High Accuracy
  • Calibration Free

TxIsoLoop-1 and TxIsoLoop-2 galvanic isolators are devices used to provide electrical isolation for  4(0)-20 mA current signals.  The TxIsoLoop-1 has one input and one output for isolating a single currently loop. The TxIsoLoop-2 has two inputs and two outputs and can isolate two independent current loops. They draw power from the input current loop eliminating the need for additional power.

Isolators are used to eliminate ground loops.  A ground loop occurs when the ground volt potential at the measurement point is different (usually higher), than the ground volt potential at the of the measuring instrument.  The TxIsoLoop breaks the electrical connection and transmits the signal via galvanic link eliminating the ground loop.

TxIsoLoop-1 and TxIsoLoop-2 simplify your application and avoid the undesirable ground loops by providing single and dual loop galvanic isolation. The 0/4-20 mA input is measured and an identical isolated signal is reproduced at the output. Power is drawn from the 0(4)-20 mA input loop, thus no auxiliary power or an external power supply is needed.


 To Order  click on the model below (or scroll to the top of the page and select the model from the drop down box) then ADD TO CART button
TxIsoLoop-1In Stock
Single Loop 4(0)-20mA Loop Isolator
TxIsoLoop-2In Stock
Dual Loop 4(0)-20mA Loop Isolator


TxIsoLoop User Manual
TxIsoLoop Data Sheet
SigNow PC Software


Input: 0 to 20 mA; 4 to 20 mA
Maximum Input Voltage (Vin max.): 32 Vdc
Voltage Drop (Vdrop): < 3 Vdc
Output Signal: 0(4) to 20 mA
Max. Load (RL): 1450 R
Accuracy: 0.2% FS @ 0-60 °C / RL=250O
Operating Current: > 0.1 mA
Overload: < 40 mA; < 32 Vdc
Response Time: 2 ms @ RL= 250O
Isolation: 3000 Vac/ 10s; 240 Vac continuous
Ambient Temperature: -20 to 75°C
Humidity: 20 to 90 % RH
Protection: IP40

TxIsoLoop Block Diagram
