DigiRail - Input/Output Modules with Modbus RS485 Connectivity

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DigiRail Input/Output Modules
DigiRail Input/Output Modules
DigiRail-2A Dual Analog Input Module
DigiRail-2A Dual Analog Input Module
DigiRail-2R  Dual Relay Ouput Module
DigiRail-2R Dual Relay Ouput Module
DigiRail-4C Four Counters Digital Input Module
DigiRail-4C Four Counters Digital Input Module
DigiRail Module
DigiRail Module

DigiRail - Input/Output Modules with Modbus RS485 Connectivity

Regular price $123.00 Sale SKU:DigiRail-2A
5 In stock* Ships in 3-4 weeks, if NOT in stock
* ships same or next day

  • DigiRail-2A
    • Two Analog Inputs - Thermocouples (J, K, T, E, N, R, S, B), Pt100, mV, V, mA
    • 17 Bits Analog Input Resolution
  • DigiRail-2R
    • Two Independent Outputs, with Relay SPDT, 8 A, 250 Vac
    • 32 Bit Timer
  • DigiRail-4C
    • 4 Digital Inputs/Counters
    • 3 1kHz, 1 100kHz Counter  
  • All Modules
    • Modbus RS485 Communications
    • LED Indicators for Communication and Status
    • Isolation: 1000 Vac from Inputs (Analog or Digital) and Power or Communication
    • Free Configuration Software

The DigiRail is a family of multi-channel I/O modules that can communicate with computers, PLCs, SCADA systems and other digital devices through Modbus RS485.  Three variations of the DigiRail are available, a dual channel analog input module, a dual output relay/timer module and a four channel counter/digital input module.

The DigiRail are ideally suited for industrial environments. The inputs are isolated from the output and power supply thus providing electrical protection and eliminating ground loop effects.

All modules mount on 35mm DIN Rail and are configurable via the free downloadable software. 

DigiRail-2A, Dual Channel Universal Analog Input Module
The DigiRail-2A has two analog inputs which are programmable for thermocouples (J, K, T, E, N, R, S, B), Pt100, mV, V, mA.   The inputs are read via a two wire RS485 network using Modbus RTU protocol. The two inputs are electrically insulated from the serial interface and the module supply.  Features include:

  •  Analog inputs: programmable for thermocouples (J, K, T, E, N, R, S, B), Pt100, mV, V, mA
  •  Cold junction compensation for thermocouples and compensation for Pt100 3-wire cables
  • Open loop detection for thermocouples, Pt100 and mV
  • Sampling rate for 1 analog input: 10Hz for mV, V and mA. 5 Hz for T thermocouples and Pt100
  •  Analog input resolution: 17 bits

DigiRail-2R, Dual Channel Relay/Timer Ouput Module
The  DigiRail-2R has two 8A SPDT relays which may either be used as standard relay outputs or as timer relays. The relays are controlled via communication over an RS485 network with Modbus RTU protocol.

The outputs are electrically insulated from the serial interface and the module supply.   Features include:

  •  Two independent outputs, with relay SPDT, 8 A, 250 Vac
  •   32 bits timers (up to 4.294.967.295 hundredths of seconds) optionally used for activating each relay
  • 1000 Vac dielectric strength between open contacts

DigiRail-4C Four Channel Counter/Digital Input Module
The DigiRail-4C has four digital inputs which can be used to detect the "On/Off" state of a discrete input signal or as an input counter. The inputs are read via a two wire RS485 network using Modbus RTU protocol. The inputs are electrically insulated from the serial interface and the module supply. Features include:

  •  4 Digital inputs which can accept signals up to 35 Vdc
  •  Maximum count frequency of 1000 Hz for signals with square wave and working cycle of 50%.
  • Input 1 can be configured as a high speed counter for for a frequency of up to 100KHz
  •  32 bit counting capacity (per input)
  •  Special counting capable of counting pulses in given time intervals (pulse rate) and retaining peak counting in given time intervals (peak rate)


DigiConfig Software

DigiRail Config Software
DigiRail Configuration is done via the RS485 interface  by using Modbus RTU commands. The free DigiConfig software, available as a download, allows for configuration of all DigiRail features as well as complete calibration and diagnosis. It automatically detects active devices in the Modbus network and permits configuration of all parameters.

FieldChart Supervisory and Data Acquisition Software (Lite version available as a free download)

FieldChart is a software used for monitor and register data acquired from NOVUS products. It generates real time trends and data lists that can be exported in usable formats like a spread sheet. There are two versions available: FieldChart-Lite and FieldChart-64C. The FieldChart-Lite can register 8 simultaneous channels and it is available for free. The FieldChart-64C can register up to 64 simultaneous channels.


 To Order the model below scroll to the top of the page then  click on ADD TO CART button
DigiRail-2AIn Stock Dual Channel Universal Analog Input Module
DigiRail-2RIn Stock Dual Channel Relay/Timer Output Module
DigiRail-4CIn Stock Four Channel Counter/Digital Input Module
USB-i485 Isolated USB to RS485/RS422
PSJ-R-WA24V24W Regulated Wall Mount Power Supply, 24 VDC, 1 Amp, 24 Watt
PSJ-U-DR24V24W DIN rail mount power supply, 24 VDC, 1 Amp, 24 Watt



DigiRail-2A User Manual

DigiRail-2R User Manual
DigiRail-4C User Manual
DigiRail-2A Communication Manual
DigiRail-2R Communication Manual
DigiRail-4C Communication Manual
DigiRail Configuration Software
FieldChart Lite Software



Inputs: 2 universal analog inputs.
Input Types/Ranges
Thermocouple J: -130 to 940°C (-202 to 1724°F)
Thermocouple K: -200 to 1370°C (-328 to 2498°F)
Thermocouple T: -200 to 400°C (-328 to 752°F)
Thermocouple E: -100 to 720°C (-148 to 1328°F)
Thermocouple N: -200 to 1,300°C (-328 to 2372°F)
Thermocouple R: 0 to 1760°C (-32 to 3200°F)
Thermocouple S: 0 to 1760°C (-32 to 3200°F)
Thermocouple B: 500 to 1800°C (932 to 3272°F)
RTD Pt100 (3 wires type, a= .00385): -200 to 650°C (-328 to 1202°F)
Voltage: 0 to 20 mV, -10 to 20 mV, 0 to 50 mV, 0 to 5 Vdc, 0 to 10 Vdc
Current: 0 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mA

Thermocouples: 0.25% of maximum range, ±1°C
Pt100, voltage and current: 0.15 % of the maximum range
Input Impedance: > 1 MO (Thermocouples, PT100, Voltage), 1000 (Current)
Sampling rate: from 2.5 to 10 samples per second
Isolation: 1000 Vac from inputs and power or communication. Communication and power are not isolated from one another nor are the analog inputs from each other.

Outputs: Two independent SPDT relays, 8A/ 250Vac, resistive load
Bounce time (NO/NC): 3/6 ms
Isolation: 2000 Vac from outputs and power or communication
Timing for activating the output relays: 32 bits (up to 4,294,967,295 hundredths of seconds), optional and configurable for each relay
Response time to the commands: 6 ms

Inputs: 4 Digital Inputs: Logical level 0 = 0 to 1 Vdc; Logical level 1 = 4 to 35 Vdc
Internal Current Limitation at the inputs: approximately 5 mA
Maximum Count Frequency: 1 KHz f/ duty cycle 50%. Input 1 can be configured for counting signals of up to 100 kHz.
Counting Capacity (per input): 32 bits (0 to 4,294,967,295)
Isolation: 1000 Vdc from inputs and power or communication. Communication and power are not isolated. Digital inputs isolated from each other per pairs

All Models
Power: 10 to 35 Vdc, 50 mA maximum current
Communications: 2-wire RS485 communication with Modbus RTU protocol Configurable Address and baud rate (1,200 to 115,200 bps)
Dimensions: 72 x 78 x 19 mm
Mounting: 35mm DIN rail
Working Temperature: 0 to 70°C
Operational relative humidity: 0 to 90 % RH
Certification: CE
