DigiRail Connect - Input/Output Modules with Ethernet and RS485 Connec

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DigiRail Connect - Input/Output Modules with Ethernet and RS485 Connectivity
DigiRail Connect - RAMIX-DO
DigiRail Connect - RAMIX-DO
DigiRail Connect - DMIX-RL
DigiRail Connect - DMIX-RL
DigiRail Connect - DMIX-RL
DigiRail Connect - DMIX-RL
DigiRail Connect - RS485 and Ethernet Ports
DigiRail Connect - RS485 and Ethernet Ports

DigiRail Connect - Input/Output Modules with Ethernet and RS485 Connectivity

Regular price $294.00 Sale SKU:RAMIX-RL
8 In stock* Ships in 3-4 weeks, if NOT in stock
* ships same or next day

  • 2 Analog Inputs (RAMIX Versions) - Thermocouples J, K, T, N, E, R, S and B, Pt100, Pt1000, NTC, 0-60 mV, 0-5 Vdc, 0-10 Vdc, 0-20 mA, 4-20 mA
  • 2 Analog Outputs (RAMIX Versions) - 0-20 mA, 4-20 mA, 0-10 V
  • 4 or 8 Digital Inputs (model dependent)
  • Digital/Relay Outputs (model dependent)
  • Ethernet, RS485 and USB Communication

The DigiRail Connect is a versatile DIN rail I/O module with Ethernet, RS485 and USB interface which can be easily integrated to any automation system. With a flexible mix of industry-standard inputs and outputs, it performs  analog and digital signal handling with outstanding accuracy.  Bringing the Industry 4.0 to the DIN rail level, the connectivity of DigiRail Connect allows it to be used as a Modbus RTU slave in RS485 networks or as a Modbus TCP server over Ethernet. Specially designed to comply with international electromagnetic compatibility standards, it ensures robustness and reliability in the most demanding industrial applications. 

Universal Analog Inputs
The RAMIX-DO and RAMIX-RL have two universal  analog inputs which are software programmable for input type.  The two inputs are electrically insulated from the serial interface and the module power supply.  Features include:

  • Analog inputs: programmable for thermocouples J, K, T, N, E, R, S , B,   Pt100, Pt1000, NTC, 0-60 mV, 0-5 Vdc, 0-10 Vdc, 0-20 mA, 4-20 mA
  • Cold junction compensation for thermocouples and compensation for Pt100, PT1000 3-wire cables
  • Open loop detection for thermocouple
  • 10 Sample/sec sample rate
  •  Analog input resolution: 16 bits
  • Programmable filter

    Analog Outputs
    The RAMIX-DO and RAMIX-RL also have two analog outputs. Features include:

    • Configurable ranges of 0-20 mA, 4-20 mA, 0-10 V
    • Settable power on state level
    • Safe Value Watchdog - Allows you to set a value for the analog output in case of loss of communication.
    • 12 bit resolution

    Digital Inputs
    All DigiRail Connect modules have digital inputs.  The DMIX models have 8 digital inputs and the RAMIX models have 4 digital inputs. Features include

    • Programmable Measurement Function
      • Logic Status
      • Rising or Falling Edge  Counter (up to 250Hz for PNP or NPN, 10HZ for dry contact closure)
      • Integrator (counts time in seconds when triggered by logic status)
    • Programmable Signal Type
      • Dry Contact with programmable debounce time
      • NPN
      • PNP
    • Preset - allows an initial value to be set for the Rising Edge, Falling Edge, and Integrator ON/OFF counters.

     Digtial and Relay Outputs
    The RAMIX-DO has 3 digital outputs and the DMIX-DO has 8 digtial outputs.  The RAMIX-RL has 2 relays and the DMIX-RL has 4 relays. Digital Output/Relay Features include:

    • Programmable Actuation Mode
      • Logical Status
      • Pulse - The output will turn on for a specific time interval (set in the Pulse Duration parameter) and then return to the OFF status
      • Pulse Train - The  output will create a defined number of pulses (set in the Number of Pulses parameter), with a defined duration (set in the Pulse Duration parameter) and in a defined period (set in the Repetition Period parameter).
    • Power On State
    • Safe Status Watchdog - Allows the output state to be set in case of communication failure

    Ethernet, RS485 and USB Communication
    All of the DigiRail Connect have Ethernet and RS485 communications.  The Ethernet connection uses Ethernet TCP protocol and the RS485 uses Modbus RTU protocol.  You can configure DigiRail Connect to operate in Gateway mode between a Modbus-TCP network and a Modbus RTU network.  The DigiRail Connect also has a USB port which is ideally intended for configuring and diagnosing the monitored process.


    NXperience - Configuration, Data Collection and Diagnostic Software (Free Download)

    NXperience is a free configuration, data collection and diagnostic software for NOVUS wireless transmitters and data loggers. This program allows you to explore all the features and details of the DigiRail Connect, and communicates through USB interface, TCP-IP and RS485 Interface.
    The NXperience allows configuration of the device and download of the data.  It  provides diagnostic tools which facilitates setup, operation, maintenance and trouble shooting of the device.


    FieldChart Supervisory and Data Acquisition Software (Lite version available as a free download)

    FieldChart is a software used for monitor and register data acquired from NOVUS products. It generates real time trends and data lists that can be exported in usable formats like a spread sheet. There are two versions available: FieldChart-Lite and FieldChart-64C. The FieldChart-Lite can register 8 simultaneous channels and it is available for free. The FieldChart-64C can register up to 64 simultaneous channels.

     To Order the model below scroll to the top of the page then  click on ADD TO CART button
    RAMIX-RLIn Stock DigiRail Connect with 2 Analog In, 2 Analog Out, 4 Digital In, 2 Relays
    RAMIX-DOIn Stock DigiRail Connect with 2 Analog In, 2 Analog Out, 4 Digital In, 3 Digital Outputs
    DMIX-RLIn Stock
    DigiRail Connect with 8 Digital In, 4 Relays
    DMIX-DOIn Stock
    DigiRail Connect with 8 Digital In, 8 Digital Outputs
    CAB-USB-MICROB-3 Micro USB 2.0 Cable, Type A to Micro B, 3ft (used for USB communication with the DigiRail Connect)
    USB-i485 Isolated USB to RS485/RS422 Converter



    DigiRail Connect User Manual

    DigiRail Connect Spec. Sheet
    NXperience Software
    FieldChart Lite Software



    Input Channels
      RAMIX Models: 4 Digital and 2 Analogs
      DMIX Models: 8 Digital

    Output Channels
      RAMIX Models: 3 Digital or 2 Relays and 2 Analogs
      DMIX Models: 4 Relays or 8 Digital

    Analog Inputs
    Input Ranges: Thermocouples J, K, T, N, E, R, S e B, Pt100, Pt1000, NTC, 0-60 mV, 0-5 Vdc, 0-10 Vdc, 0-20 mA, 4-20 mA

      Thermocouples: 0.2 % of maximum range
      Pt100, Pt1000, NTC, mA, V, mV: 0.15 % of the maximum range
      Thermocouple Cold Junction Error: ± 1 °C / ± 1.8 °F (J,K,T), ± 3 °C / ± 5.4 °F (N, E, R, S, B)

    Analog Input Impedance
      0-60 mV, Pt100, Pt1000, NTC and thermocouples : >10 MΩ
      0-5 V, 0-10 V: >1 MΩ
      4-20 mA: 15 Ω + (1 V @ 20 mA)

    Pt100 Maximum Compensated Cable Resistance: 20Ω
    Pt100 Excitation current: 0.60 mA
    Resolution: 16 bits (65536 levels)

    Digital Input
    Logical Levels: Logical Level "0": < 0.5 V, Logical Level "1": > 3 V
    Maximum Voltage: 30 V
    Input Impedance: 270 kΩ
    Input Current @ 30 Vdc: 0.15 mA(typical)

    Maximum Frequency (square wave)
      Dry Contact: 10 Hz
      PNP: 250 Hz
      NPN: 250 Hz

    Minimum Pulse Duration
      Dry Contact: 50 ms
      PNP: 4 ms
      NPN: 4 ms

    Transistor Digital Output
      Output Type: Sourcing
      Maximum Load Current: 500 mA
      Short-circuit Current: 70 mA
      Maximum Switching Voltage: 30 Vdc
      Minimum Switching Voltage: 6 Vdc

    Relay Digital Output
      Type: SPST-NO and SPDT
      Maximum Load Current: 3 A (SPST) / 6 A (SPDT)
      Switching Voltage: 250 Vac
      Suitable for resistive loads

    Analog Output
      Signal Types: 0-20 mA, 4-20 mA, 0-10 V
      Maximum Load: 0-20 / 4-20 mA: = 500 Ohms, 0-10 V: = 2000 Ohms
      Resolution: 12 bits
      Accuracy: 0.5 %

    Communication Interfaces
      Ethernet: 10/100 Mb/s, IEEE standard 802.3u

    Power Supply
      Voltage: 10 Vdc to 36 Vdc
      Maximum Consumption: 5 W
      Typical Consumption: 20 mA

    Operating Temperature: -20 to 60 °C
    Operating Humidity: 5 to 95 % RH, non-condensing
    Housing: ABS+PC
    Protection Rating: IP2O
    Dimensions: 100 x 30 x 110 mm
